Los líderes | The leaders

Así que no nos cansemos de hacer el bien... (Galatás 6.9)

 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good... (Galatians 6.9)

Pastor Ash

Pastor, Entrenador personal, Coach de Vida, maiestro

Pastor, Personal Trainer, Life Coach, Teacher

Ash fue nombrado a la comunidad en 2017 con en propósito de reflejar y servir a la comunidad que rodea la iglesia.  El está apasionado a ayudar a todos lo que desean alcanzar su potencial ser sanos en cada parte de su vida (fisico, intelectual, espíritual, emocional, vocacional, social, y ambiental).  El se graduó de Candler School of Theology (Emory University) en 2002 con un Maestria en Divinidad (MDiv) y esta certificado como entrenador personal por NASM (la asociasión nacional de medicina deportiva) y como entrenador de vida por Transformation Academy.  El y su esposa tienen juntos cuatro hijos, dos yernos, una yerna, y siete nietos.  |  Ash was named to the community in 2017 with the purpose of reflecting and serving the community that surrounds the community.  He is passionate about helping all those who wish to reach their potential to be healthy in all parts of their lives (physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, vocational, social, and environmental).  He graduated from Candler School of Theology (Emory University) in 2002 with a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) and is certified as a personal trainer by NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine) and as a life coach from Transformation Academy.    He and his wife Audra have four children together, two sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, and seven grandchildren.  


Administradora y enlace comunitario | administrator and Community Liaison



Limpieza y coneciónes comunitaras | Cleaning and Community connections




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